Data processing agreement (DPA) is a crucial aspect of data privacy compliance that businesses must consider when sharing data with third-party service providers. A DPA is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both the data controller (the business that owns the data) and the data processor (the third-party service provider). In this article, we will discuss the responsibilities of both parties under a DPA.

Responsibilities of Data Controllers

As the owner of the data, the data controller has significant responsibilities when it comes to processing data. One of the primary responsibilities of the data controller is to ensure that any data transfer to the data processor complies with applicable data protection laws and regulations. This includes obtaining explicit consent from data subjects when required and informing them about the purpose and scope of the data processing.

The data controller also has a responsibility to ensure that the data processor complies with the terms of the DPA. This includes verifying that the data processor has appropriate data security measures in place, and periodically reviewing and auditing the data processor`s compliance with the DPA.

Responsibilities of Data Processors

As the party responsible for processing the data, the data processor must comply with the terms of the DPA and ensure that the data is processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. This includes implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data and prevent unauthorized access, loss, or disclosure.

The data processor must also ensure that its personnel who process the data are subject to confidentiality obligations and receive adequate training on data protection laws and regulations. The data processor must also promptly notify the data controller if it becomes aware of any breach of the security of the personal data.


In conclusion, a DPA is a crucial document that outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both the data controller and the data processor. The data controller must ensure that any data transfer complies with applicable data protection laws and regulations and must periodically review and audit the data processor`s compliance with the DPA. The data processor, on the other hand, must process the data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations and implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data. By following these responsibilities, businesses can ensure that their data is processed securely and in compliance with data protection laws and regulations.

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